Mesharray Learning Portal


Szakember a pixelek mögött, elhelyezkedés a VFX iparban

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /volume1/web/ : eval()'d code on line 7
Call Stack
10.0001361152{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001361464require( '/volume1/web/ ).../index.php:17
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40.262812259296include( '/volume1/web/ ).../template-loader.php:106
50.262912262712wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
60.262912262712do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3064
70.263012263088WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
80.263012263088WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
90.325013101592oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
100.325713150592do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1272
110.325713150968WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
120.325713150968WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
130.325713151720ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
140.325713153448ct_template_output( $as_shortcodes = ??? ).../templates.php:183
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160.9906106836376CT_Section->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":3,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"section-3-325","original":{"image_type":"2","attachment_size":"full","background-image":"[oxygen ct_sign_sha256=\'1d42f35cc29383eb93d49c519117ed4f25c0c3cde6f618d5bbf44363ae36050c\' data=\'featured_image\' ]","background-imagedynamic":true,"container-padding-top":"0","container-padding-bottom":"0","height":"100","height-unit":"vh","flex-direction":"row","display":"flex","align-items":"center","position":"relative","gradient":{"colors":[{"position-unit":"px","value":"rgba('], $content = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 1 => ['id' => 8, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 2 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3, 'children' => [...]]], $name = 'ct_section' ).../templates.php:76
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180.9973106875160CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":11,"ct_parent":3,"selector":"div_block-11-325","original":{"z-index":"10","width-unit":"%"},"nicename":"Div (#11)","ct_depth":"2"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'ct_headline', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 1 => ['id' => 13, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 2 => ['id' => 58, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
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201.0025106916928CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":13,"ct_parent":11,"selector":"div_block-13-325","original":{"globalconditions":[{"name":"ZZOXYVSBDYNAMIC","operator":6,"value":"-1","oxycode":"[oxygen ct_sign_sha256=\'4b5e31c3c4074a4c0b7b2d69bfa85943781b2b0eab60435559f4853bb4852352\' data=\'phpfunction\' function=\'ma_get_event_details\' ]"}],"font-size":"28","color":"color(11)","padding-top":"30","letter-spacing":"0.5"},"nicename":"Div (#13)","ct_depth":"3"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 67, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
211.0051106954280do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 67, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
221.0051106958752CT_Code_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":10,"ct_parent":13,"selector":"code_block-10-325","original":{"image_type":"2","attachment_size":"full","code-php":"<?php\\n\\n\\t$event = ma_get_event_details();\\n\\n\\/\\/ var_dump(ma_get_event_details());\\n\\n\\techo \\"Id\\u0151pont: \\" . date( \\"Y.m.d.\\", strtotime( $event[\'Datum\'])) . \\", \\" . ma_get_weekday( $event[\'Datum\']) . \\", \\" . date( \\"H:i\\", strtotime( $event[\'Datum\']));\\n?>"},"nicename":"Code Block (#10)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":4,"ct_content":""}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_code_block' ).../templates.php:76
231.0062106996624eval( '/volume1/web/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /volume1/web/ : eval()'d code on line 7
Call Stack
10.0001361152{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001361464require( '/volume1/web/ ).../index.php:17
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50.262912262712wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
60.262912262712do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3064
70.263012263088WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
80.263012263088WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
90.325013101592oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
100.325713150592do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1272
110.325713150968WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
120.325713150968WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
130.325713151720ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
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160.9906106836376CT_Section->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":3,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"section-3-325","original":{"image_type":"2","attachment_size":"full","background-image":"[oxygen ct_sign_sha256=\'1d42f35cc29383eb93d49c519117ed4f25c0c3cde6f618d5bbf44363ae36050c\' data=\'featured_image\' ]","background-imagedynamic":true,"container-padding-top":"0","container-padding-bottom":"0","height":"100","height-unit":"vh","flex-direction":"row","display":"flex","align-items":"center","position":"relative","gradient":{"colors":[{"position-unit":"px","value":"rgba('], $content = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 1 => ['id' => 8, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 2 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3, 'children' => [...]]], $name = 'ct_section' ).../templates.php:76
170.9973106874528do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 1 => ['id' => 8, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 2 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3, 'children' => [...]]] ).../section.class.php:70
180.9973106875160CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":11,"ct_parent":3,"selector":"div_block-11-325","original":{"z-index":"10","width-unit":"%"},"nicename":"Div (#11)","ct_depth":"2"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'ct_headline', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 1 => ['id' => 13, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 2 => ['id' => 58, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
190.9984106910288do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'ct_headline', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 1 => ['id' => 13, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 2 => ['id' => 58, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
201.0025106916928CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":13,"ct_parent":11,"selector":"div_block-13-325","original":{"globalconditions":[{"name":"ZZOXYVSBDYNAMIC","operator":6,"value":"-1","oxycode":"[oxygen ct_sign_sha256=\'4b5e31c3c4074a4c0b7b2d69bfa85943781b2b0eab60435559f4853bb4852352\' data=\'phpfunction\' function=\'ma_get_event_details\' ]"}],"font-size":"28","color":"color(11)","padding-top":"30","letter-spacing":"0.5"},"nicename":"Div (#13)","ct_depth":"3"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 67, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
211.0051106954280do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 67, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
221.0051106958752CT_Code_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":10,"ct_parent":13,"selector":"code_block-10-325","original":{"image_type":"2","attachment_size":"full","code-php":"<?php\\n\\n\\t$event = ma_get_event_details();\\n\\n\\/\\/ var_dump(ma_get_event_details());\\n\\n\\techo \\"Id\\u0151pont: \\" . date( \\"Y.m.d.\\", strtotime( $event[\'Datum\'])) . \\", \\" . ma_get_weekday( $event[\'Datum\']) . \\", \\" . date( \\"H:i\\", strtotime( $event[\'Datum\']));\\n?>"},"nicename":"Code Block (#10)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":4,"ct_content":""}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_code_block' ).../templates.php:76
231.0062106996624eval( '/volume1/web/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /volume1/web/ : eval()'d code on line 7
Call Stack
10.0001361152{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001361464require( '/volume1/web/ ).../index.php:17
30.23529968896require_once( '/volume1/web/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
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50.262912262712wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
60.262912262712do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3064
70.263012263088WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
80.263012263088WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
90.325013101592oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
100.325713150592do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1272
110.325713150968WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
120.325713150968WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
130.325713151720ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
140.325713153448ct_template_output( $as_shortcodes = ??? ).../templates.php:183
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160.9906106836376CT_Section->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":3,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"section-3-325","original":{"image_type":"2","attachment_size":"full","background-image":"[oxygen ct_sign_sha256=\'1d42f35cc29383eb93d49c519117ed4f25c0c3cde6f618d5bbf44363ae36050c\' data=\'featured_image\' ]","background-imagedynamic":true,"container-padding-top":"0","container-padding-bottom":"0","height":"100","height-unit":"vh","flex-direction":"row","display":"flex","align-items":"center","position":"relative","gradient":{"colors":[{"position-unit":"px","value":"rgba('], $content = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 1 => ['id' => 8, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 2 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3, 'children' => [...]]], $name = 'ct_section' ).../templates.php:76
170.9973106874528do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 1 => ['id' => 8, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3], 2 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 3, 'children' => [...]]] ).../section.class.php:70
180.9973106875160CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":11,"ct_parent":3,"selector":"div_block-11-325","original":{"z-index":"10","width-unit":"%"},"nicename":"Div (#11)","ct_depth":"2"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'ct_headline', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 1 => ['id' => 13, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 2 => ['id' => 58, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
190.9984106910288do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'ct_headline', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 1 => ['id' => 13, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4], 2 => ['id' => 58, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
201.0025106916928CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":13,"ct_parent":11,"selector":"div_block-13-325","original":{"globalconditions":[{"name":"ZZOXYVSBDYNAMIC","operator":6,"value":"-1","oxycode":"[oxygen ct_sign_sha256=\'4b5e31c3c4074a4c0b7b2d69bfa85943781b2b0eab60435559f4853bb4852352\' data=\'phpfunction\' function=\'ma_get_event_details\' ]"}],"font-size":"28","color":"color(11)","padding-top":"30","letter-spacing":"0.5"},"nicename":"Div (#13)","ct_depth":"3"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 67, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
211.0051106954280do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 67, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
221.0051106958752CT_Code_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":10,"ct_parent":13,"selector":"code_block-10-325","original":{"image_type":"2","attachment_size":"full","code-php":"<?php\\n\\n\\t$event = ma_get_event_details();\\n\\n\\/\\/ var_dump(ma_get_event_details());\\n\\n\\techo \\"Id\\u0151pont: \\" . date( \\"Y.m.d.\\", strtotime( $event[\'Datum\'])) . \\", \\" . ma_get_weekday( $event[\'Datum\']) . \\", \\" . date( \\"H:i\\", strtotime( $event[\'Datum\']));\\n?>"},"nicename":"Code Block (#10)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":4,"ct_content":""}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_code_block' ).../templates.php:76
231.0062106996624eval( '/volume1/web/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
Időpont: 1970.01.01., csütörtök, 00:00

Szakember a pixelek mögött

A VFX világában képzeled el a jövőd? Szeretnél az egyike lenni azoknak, akik a legnagyobb kasszasikerek egyikén dolgozhatnak?

Csatlakozz a Menyhei Szabolccsal tartott online előadáshoz és tudd meg, Szabi hogyan építette a karrierjét lépésről lépésre és milyen lehetőségek várnak rád a VFX iparban!

Regisztrálj az eseményre, ahol első kézből kapsz személyes és szakmai élménybeszámolót arról, hogyan lehet eljutni az olyan professzionális stúdiókig, mint a George Lucas által alapított Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) és olyan filmeken dolgozni, mint a Tenet,  Avengers - Endgame, vagy legutóbb a The Last of Us. Tarts velünk, ismerd meg Menyhei Szabi tapasztalatait, és tudd meg milyen szaktudásra, képességekre van szükséged, hogy a Tied is egy igazi sikersztori legyen!

Az előadás magyar nyelvű. Csak az előadás napján tekinthető meg – nem rögzítjük, nem visszanézhető!


Menyhei Szabolcs - ILM

Vázlatos program

  • Szabolcs bemutatkozása, ki ő és mivel foglalkozik.
  • Munkák bemutatása a kezdetektől napjainkig.
  • Praktikus tanácsok, inspiráló gondolatok VFX-es és Concept Art-os pályakezdőknek.
  • Kérdezz-Felelek.

Az előadóról

Szabi 2008-ban végzett a Képzőművészeti Egyetemen, az Autodesk Maya képzést 2010-ben végezte el a Mesharray-nél, napjainkban azonban már olyan top kategóriás alkotásokban láthatjuk viszont a munkáit, mint a: Wonder Woman 1984, Pacific Rim: Uprising, vagy népszerű játék a Call of Duty.

Szabadúszóként kezdte és szépen haladt a csúcs felé. Először a hazai stúdiókat hódította meg, majd a nemzetközi sikerekre tört. Most pedig élőben hallhatod tőle, hogy mi kellett a sikerhez.
